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Root Canals With and Without Crown – What to Consider

February 20, 2021
a woman in a dental chair smiles

After root canal treatment is complete, the affected tooth will need to be restored. Your tooth is opened during endodontic treatment in order to access its canals. This leaves it weakened and susceptible to infection, but a restoration seals the tooth to prevent contamination and strengthens its overall structure. Crowns are a common option for tooth restoration after root canal treatment, but they aren’t the only solution available. Here’s how your dentist decides which type of restoration is the right choice for your needs.

Different Teeth Require Different Restorations

Even before assessing your individual needs, we already know that different types of teeth have different requirements when it comes to restorations after a root canal. Because molars and premolars are used extensively for chewing and grinding food, they are likely to need a crown. This is particularly true in patients who have a history of grinding ,as they have a higher risk of tooth fracture. 

Incisors and canines typically only need a dental filling to restore them after endodontic treatment. By using conservative access openings, we can retain most of the healthy tooth structure in these teeth.

Strengthening a Compromised Tooth

Another factor taken into consideration is whether the tooth in question has previous restorations or damage. If a root canal is needed due to a fracture, it’s more likely that a crown will be needed; the tooth is already compromised even before endodontic treatment. Teeth that have previous fillings may also be more likely to require a crown in order to restore strength after root canal treatment, although this is not always the case—every decision is made on a case-by-case basis.

Finding the Right Solution for You

Determining which type of restoration is needed after endodontic treatment is a decision made in collaboration with your dentist, as they will perform your restorative treatment. Ultimately, the decision is made by carefully balancing the factors listed above and analyzing the risks and benefits of each option in your unique circumstances. While we want to provide a conservative restoration, we also must ensure that your restoration will be strong and durable.

Learn More About Root Canal Treatment

If you have questions about endodontic treatment or restorations, our team is happy to help. Contact us today at one of our six North Shore and Boston-area locations to learn more or schedule a consultation with an endodontist.

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