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The phrase root canal can make many patients uneasy. For years this treatment has carried a bad reputation even though it has become one of the most routine dental procedures today. Generally, local anesthesia is used for the procedure to keep the patient awake and comfortable for the duration. Yet, still many people have a great amount of apprehension when it comes to root canal treatment - and those with dental anxiety may require more to get through the procedure. Sedation endodontics can help.

What is Dental Anxiety? 

Dental anxiety is a very real threat to oral health. It halts patients from seeking dental treatment - sometimes until their condition becomes unbearable. Dental anxiety can stem from many different things, including:

  • Previous dental trauma
  • Previous trauma to the head, neck, or face
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
  • Claustrophobia
  • Agoraphobia
  • Unknown sources

When it comes to procedures like a root canal treatment, having dental anxiety can make getting through the appointment can be tough. So, even though it is not routine for patients to be put to sleep for it, sedation endodontics makes it possible.

Sedation Endodontics

While some patients may not find it necessary, others will find there to be many benefits to sedation endodontics. Varying levels of sedation methods can offer patients the opportunity to relax so that they can obtain the treatment they need. Options such as nitrous oxide, conscious oral sedation, or IV sedation are often offered to patients. It is important to discuss your concerns with your endodontist to determine the best course of action for you. The level of anxiety, medical history, and prior sedation history will be taken into consideration.

Sleep or no sleep? It depends on the sedation method.

Nitrous oxide (a.k.a. Laughing gas) is a commonly used method of sedation. It works quickly as you breathe through a small mask that covers your nose. You will remain awake and conscious throughout the root canal but will feel very relaxed.

Another common option, conscious oral sedation, is a prescribed sedative pill that you will take before your appointment. It will help you to greatly relax during your procedure. This does not put you to sleep, but it is not uncommon for patients to feel so relaxed that they actually sleep straight through the treatment.

IV sedation is a much less common option that requires sedatives to be administered through an IV. This greatly reduces anxiety and often puts patients in a twilight sleep. Keep in mind that each endodontist will have a list of sedation options they offer that may or may not include this type.

Benefits of Sedation for Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is not often a long procedure, but it does take time. There are very intricate canals that your endodontist must go through carefully to ensure that all the infection is removed before sealing up the tooth. Leaving anything behind can result in the need for endodontic retreatment.

With a patient who is uneasy and nervous sitting still for the procedure, the root canal can take longer than normal and become more complicated for the endodontist. By using the best-chosen sedation method, everything can go smoothly - and you have the greatest chance of a successful outcome.

At North Shore & Brookline Endodontics, we are sensitive to the dental fears and anxiety of our patients so we take steps to create an environment in which they will feel comfortable and at ease. We offer many different sedation options.

To learn more or to schedule an appointment, contact us at one of our five convenient locations.

If you've never had endodontic treatment before, you may not know what to expect after your procedure is complete. While root canal therapy recovery time is less than that of a tooth extraction, it may take a few days before you feel "normal" again. We've answered some of the most frequently asked questions regarding what to expect after a root canal treatment below.

How long will I be numb?

Your tooth and the tissue surrounding it will be numbed with local anesthetic during your root canal procedure. This anesthetic can take several hours to wear off completely. Avoid chewing and drinking hot liquids until the numbness has subsided.

How soon can I eat and/or drink following the root canal procedure?

Avoid hot liquids and foods that require chewing until the anesthetic has worn off. Then, you are free to eat anything as long as you avoid sticky foods and don’t bite or chew directly on the treated tooth. 

Is it okay to eat on the tooth with the root canal?

Chewing on the tooth with the root canal should be avoided. You will need to chew on the opposite side of your mouth until your dentist has placed your final restoration. 

Will I be able to go back to work after the root canal?

Most people choose to return to work following endodontic treatment, but if you have a job where you work with the public or do a lot of speaking, you may wish to take the rest of the day off because of the numbness caused by the anesthetic, which can impact your ability to smile and speak. In such cases, we can provide you with a doctor’s note, if needed.

Can I drive myself?

Yes, most of our patients drive themselves home from our office after endodontic treatment, as deep sedation is not required. If sedation is required, you will need to make arrangements for transportation.

Is it okay to brush and floss my teeth?

Yes, you can resume your normal oral hygiene routine following your root canal treatment, though you should wait at least 30 to 40 minutes after your procedure to ensure that the temporary filling is hardened before brushing your teeth.

Can I exercise after root canal treatment?

There is no need for downtime after a root canal treatment, but you should wait until the local anesthetic has worn off completely before exercising.

Will my tooth be sensitive after treatment?

For a few days after your root canal procedure, your tooth may be sensitive or have a dull aching sensation, but this is temporary. Strong prescription pain medications are not usually required after endodontic treatment. Instead, over-the-counter analgesics such as aspirin, Acetaminophen (Tylenol), Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), and Naproxen Sodium (Aleve) are usually sufficient. We recommend taking an anti-inflammatory such as Ibuprofen. 

Is my tooth open after treatment?

No, your tooth is not open after treatment. Although you will need to go to your dentist for a filling or crown, your tooth will have a temporary filling in the meantime to protect it from reinfection and damage.

Do I need any other treatment after a root canal?

Yes, you will need to go to your dentist for a permanent restoration. This should be completed within 1-2 weeks after treatment. Our office will mail or email a full report of your endodontic treatment to your general dentist. 

Learn More About Root Canal Treatment

If you’d like to learn more about what to expect from a root canal treatment, or to make an appointment at one of our six North Shore and Boston-area locations, please contact us today.

Endodontics is one of several dental specializations. Just like an orthodontist, oral surgeon, or periodontist, endodontists graduate from an accredited dental school, then go on to receive two or more additional years of training and education. Here’s what you need to know about the field of endodontics.

The Specialists in Saving Teeth

Endodontists are regarded as the experts when it comes to saving teeth. They have advanced training in root canal treatment, diagnosing dental pain, and other dental issues and procedures that involve the interior of the tooth. In fact, the term endodontics comes from the Greek words “endo” and “odont,” which means inside the tooth.

Endodontists are most well-known for providing endodontic treatment, which is more commonly known as root canal treatment. (Although it is colloquially referred to as a root canal, this term actually describes part of the tooth’s anatomy, not the treatment performed on it.) The treatments endodontists provide help patients avoid having to have their teeth extracted and replaced with a bridge, dental implant, or denture.

Reasons to See an Endodontist

If you are experiencing dental pain or infection, or have suffered from dental trauma that has caused cracks, fractures, or an avulsed tooth, your dentist may refer you to an endodontist. While some dentists perform root canal treatment, endodontists are the experts, as they complete many more procedures since endodontics is their specialty. Endodontists also have advanced technology in their offices that allows them to better diagnose and treat dental pain and trauma. 

Endodontists perform the following treatments:

Endodontic Treatment

When the pulp inside a tooth is inflamed or infected, a root canal can save the tooth by removing the pulp, cleaning and shaping the root canal, and filling and sealing the space. Removing the compromised pulp alleviates any discomfort a patient is experiencing and allows them to preserve their natural tooth, often for a lifetime. 

Endodontic Retreatment

As its name suggests, endodontic retreatment involves treating a tooth that has already had one or more previous root canal treatments. Retreatment may be needed if there is new infection or if there are additional canals that were not treated during the initial endodontic treatment. 

Endodontic Surgery

Endodontic surgery may be needed for a few different reasons. Your endodontist may need to remove calcium deposits in the canals, treat damaged root surfaces or bone, identify small fractures or hidden canals, or perform an apicoectomy, which is required when the bony area around the end of the tooth is still inflamed or infected after a root canal treatment.

The Bottom Line

Prompt endodontic treatment allows you to maintain your natural smile, continue eating all your favorite foods, and avoid the need for ongoing dental work related to bridges, dentures, or dental implants. Today’s root canal treatments are comfortable and highly effective, so there’s no reason not to choose endodontic treatment over having your tooth extracted.

Schedule an Appointment

Contact us today to schedule an appointment for a consultation with one of our endodontists at one of our six North Shore and Boston-area locations.

It’s common for patients to feel nervous about their upcoming root canals. Unfortunately, root canals have a reputation for being unpleasant, but you’ll be relieved to find out that most patients find the experience of having root canal treatment to be easier than anticipated. In fact, root canals are commonly used to relieve dental and facial pain, so our patients often leave our office feeling better than when they came in. If you’re uncertain about what to expect from root canal therapy, we explain the process in detail below.

How Much Pain to Expect During a Root Canal

We perform root canal treatment to address infected or inflamed pulp tissue, which can cause severe toothaches. This pain can be alleviated with endodontic therapy. For many patients, getting a root canal is no more painful than getting a cavity filled thanks to the use of local anesthetic and modern endodontic techniques. Most people report feeling comfortable throughout their procedure, feeling pressure and movement at times, but not pain.

Endodontic treatment starts by using local anesthetic to numb the affected tooth and the tissue surrounding it. Then, the tooth is opened so one of our doctors can access the pulp in order to remove it. The chamber and roots of the tooth are cleaned, shaped, and disinfected, then filled with a rubber-like material to seal the tooth and prevent infection. Your general dentist will restore the treated tooth using a dental filling or crown.

It’s common for patients to experience immediate relief upon leaving our office, especially if they have been suffering with dental or facial pain in the days or weeks prior to their appointment. Despite the myths about root canal treatment, this procedure is a relatively quick, comfortable way to save natural teeth from needing to be extracted and replaced. 

Pain After a Root Canal Procedure

As the local anesthetic wears off in the hours after your root canal treatment, you may begin to experience some sensitivity and tenderness. This is especially true if the tooth in question was infected or painful prior to your root canal treatment.

This sensitivity is typically minor and can be managed with over-the-counter analgesics, including aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen sodium. We suggest eating soft foods and avoiding chewing with the treated tooth until the discomfort has resolved, but you should be able to continue with work, school, and your other activities as you normally would.

In most cases, sensitivity only lasts for a few days after root canal therapy. If you continue to experience pain beyond this time, call our office and we can determine whether you should come in for an evaluation.

Learn More About Root Canal Procedures

Have you been told by your dentist that you need root canal treatment? Do you have questions about the root canal process and what you can expect from endodontic therapy? Contact us today to schedule an appointment for a consultation with an endodontist at one of our six North Shore and Boston-area locations.

When the pulp of a tooth becomes infected or inflamed, root canal treatment may be able to prevent it from needing to be removed. An endodontist can save your natural tooth, potentially preserving it for years, decades, or even a lifetime, by removing the pulp and cleaning, shaping, and disinfecting the root canals. While the tooth no longer contains living pulp tissue, it is secured in place by the periodontal ligament, which ensures it can continue to function like your other teeth after the pulp has been removed. While root canals may last a lifetime, there are some circumstances in which your tooth could need to be re-treated. The following blog post answers the question, "How long does a root canal last?" and explains some of the factors that influence its lifespan.

Root Canal Treatment Success Rate

The success rate of endodontic treatment is very high. This is something we see firsthand with our practice’s patients, and scientific research backs up our observations. One of the most detailed studies on the subject examined the long-term effectiveness of 487,476 root canal treatments. According to this report, 98 percent of root canals last one year, 92 percent last five years, and 86 percent last ten years or longer. Molars treated by endodontists had a 10 year survival rate, significantly higher than that of molars treated by general dentists.

These figures are helpful in giving patients a general understanding of how long root canals last and why they're a procedure worth considering, but it's important to understand how your specific circumstances can affect the treatment's longevity.

Factors That Impact the Lifespan of Root Canals

What distinguishes a root canal that lasts a lifetime from one that needs to be retreated after a few years? What steps should a patient take to increase the chances of a good outcome? Here are some points to consider.

Timing of Treatment

Timely treatment provides better results than treatment that is postponed. Complications are more common when a tooth's condition worsens before it is treated, especially when the root canal infection spreads into the jaw.

Timing and Quality of Restoration

You'll need a permanent dental filling or crown to restore the tooth after root canal therapy. The quality of this restoration, as well as its timing, is critical. The earlier you see your dentist to get your tooth restored, the better. If you wait longer than the recommended period between your root canal and your restoration, your tooth will be at a higher risk of complications.

Location of Tooth

Endodontic care for a front tooth is less complicated since it only has one root canal. Furthermore, since these teeth are used for biting and cutting instead of grinding, they are subjected to less force and stress. Since the back teeth have two or three roots, they are more complicated to treat, and they sustain more bite force while eating. This makes them more vulnerable to problems caused by restorations that have been damaged by fracture.

Patient Age

Our teeth become brittle and more susceptible to breakage as we get older. This, too, will affect how long a root canal will last. When it comes to restoring molars, dental crowns will help protect the tooth from stress, so they are often preferred over dental fillings in these circumstances.

The Bottom Line

We can't say how long your root canal will last because there are so many variables involved. However, we do know that a root canal is an effective treatment option that allows you to save a compromised tooth, and when performed by a board-certified endodontist, it’s very likely that it will last a decade or more.

Schedule a Consultation

If you need a root canal treatment, contact us today to schedule an appointment for a consultation at one of our six North Shore and Boston-area locations.

For many patients, the first time they’ve heard the term “endodontist” was when they received a referral to our practice. Most people are familiar with what oral surgeons and orthodontists do, but endodontics is a lesser known dental specialty. In fact, the American Association of Endodontists estimates that fewer than three percent of American dentists are endodontists.

Specialists in Saving Teeth

General dentists offer a number of procedures, but their primary focus is treating the portion of the tooth that is above the gum line. Endodontics is a specialty that focuses on diagnosing and treating problems inside the tooth. Like general dentists, endodontists complete dental school, but then they go on to receive two to three additional years of training and education centered around root canals, dental pulp, and dental pain.

Endodontists are known as specialists in saving teeth. Endodontic procedures like root canal treatment allow us to preserve teeth even after they have suffered deep decay, dental trauma, or severe damage. The alternative to endodontic treatment is tooth extraction, which can compromise your oral health, particularly if you choose not to restore your tooth.

Diagnosing Tooth Pain

In many cases, the cause of a severe toothache is obvious and easily diagnosed. Other times, your general dentist may not be able to determine the underlying cause of your dental pain and refer you to North Shore & Brookline Endodontics to receive a diagnosis and treatment.

A microscopic fracture or crack is not always apparent upon visual examination. At NSBENDO, we have advanced technology and surgical microscopes that allow us to identify the origin of your dental pain. Once the tooth that is causing your pain is located, it can be treated.

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is the most common reason for patients to receive a referral to an endodontic practice. While some general dentists perform root canal treatments, the average dentist performs just two root canals per week, while the average endodontist performs 25. Because endodontists perform root canal treatments so frequently, they have the skill, experience, and knowledge to treat complex cases and provide successful endodontic retreatment when a patient who has already had a root canal experiences reinfection or requires additional treatment.

Root canals allow you to save a tooth that has inflamed or infected pulp tissue. Despite their reputation, root canal treatments are much more comfortable than most patients expect. When a root canal is required to treat dental pain, patients usually leave our office feeling better than when they arrived.

Endodontists also perform a procedure called endodontic surgery (also known as apical surgery or apicoectomy). During this surgery, an infected root tip (apex) is removed, along with the surrounding tissue. Endodontic surgery is used when a tooth has not responded to a root canal treatment or retreatment. In some circumstances, endodontic surgery may be recommended for patients who are not candidates for a root canal procedure.

Learn More About What Endodontists Do

If you have questions about what endodontists do and how we can improve your dental health, contact us today to schedule an appointment at one of our six North Shore and Boston-area locations.

After root canal treatment is complete, the affected tooth will need to be restored. Your tooth is opened during endodontic treatment in order to access its canals. This leaves it weakened and susceptible to infection, but a restoration seals the tooth to prevent contamination and strengthens its overall structure. Crowns are a common option for tooth restoration after root canal treatment, but they aren’t the only solution available. Here’s how your dentist decides which type of restoration is the right choice for your needs.

Different Teeth Require Different Restorations

Even before assessing your individual needs, we already know that different types of teeth have different requirements when it comes to restorations after a root canal. Because molars and premolars are used extensively for chewing and grinding food, they are likely to need a crown. This is particularly true in patients who have a history of grinding ,as they have a higher risk of tooth fracture. 

Incisors and canines typically only need a dental filling to restore them after endodontic treatment. By using conservative access openings, we can retain most of the healthy tooth structure in these teeth.

Strengthening a Compromised Tooth

Another factor taken into consideration is whether the tooth in question has previous restorations or damage. If a root canal is needed due to a fracture, it’s more likely that a crown will be needed; the tooth is already compromised even before endodontic treatment. Teeth that have previous fillings may also be more likely to require a crown in order to restore strength after root canal treatment, although this is not always the case—every decision is made on a case-by-case basis.

Finding the Right Solution for You

Determining which type of restoration is needed after endodontic treatment is a decision made in collaboration with your dentist, as they will perform your restorative treatment. Ultimately, the decision is made by carefully balancing the factors listed above and analyzing the risks and benefits of each option in your unique circumstances. While we want to provide a conservative restoration, we also must ensure that your restoration will be strong and durable.

Learn More About Root Canal Treatment

If you have questions about endodontic treatment or restorations, our team is happy to help. Contact us today at one of our six North Shore and Boston-area locations to learn more or schedule a consultation with an endodontist.

Endodontists specialize in the diagnosis of dental pain. Severe dental pain can disrupt patients’ lives, making it difficult to eat, sleep, speak, and go about their normal activities. With care from a skilled endodontist, you will be able to get back to your routine quickly.

Dental Pain Symptoms

Dental pain often develops suddenly, with symptoms varying from mild to severe. At times, the pain may even be debilitating. Some of the most common symptoms of dental pain include:

  • Dull, achy pain
  • Sharp, jabbing pain
  • Pain when biting
  • Pain with hot or cold stimulus
  • Throbbing pain
  • Jaw pain

Symptoms can be intermittent or constant; some patients only experience pain when eating, while for others, the pain is lingering. You may experience some level of relief with over-the-counter pain relievers, but once they wear off, the pain returns.

How Endodontists Diagnose Dental Pain

While a general or family dentist may be able to diagnose dental pain as well, only endodontists have advanced dental technology that helps them quickly identify the cause of your discomfort and recommend a treatment to alleviate your pain and save your natural tooth.

During your appointment, one of our endodontists will go over your risk factors and examine your teeth. If needed, we use clinical microscopic examination, 3D imaging, and CBCT scans to determine the origin of your pain. In most cases, teeth can be saved with endodontic therapy. We will collaborate with your dentist to recommend the best course of treatment.

Causes of Dental Pain

Some of the most common causes of dental pain include:

Tooth Decay

When tooth decay spreads inward from the enamel and reaches the pulp of a tooth, it can cause severe pain, sensitivity, and necrosis of the nerve if left untreated.

Inflammation of the Pulp

Also known as pulpitis, inflammation of the pulp can cause sensitivity to temperature, pain when biting, a dull ache in the jaw, and referred pain in the ear, head, or temple. Root canal treatment will alleviate this pain.

Cracks and Fractures

Cracks and fractures can occur as a result of wear and tear, dental trauma, or biting down on a hard object. Sometimes this type of dental injury is immediately identifiable, as it can be seen or felt, but other times, a hairline crack is only visible upon microscopic examination. Cracks and fractures can cause dull pain, sensitivity, or sharp pain when biting in a certain way. 

Dental Abscess

When bacteria builds up inside the pulp area of the tooth, it can cause a dental abscess. Signs of an abscess include pain when biting, swelling, persistent bad breath, extreme sensitivity to temperature, and a small bump on the gums near the tooth. Dental abscesses require urgent attention.

Schedule an Appointment for Dental Pain

If you’re experiencing dental pain, it’s important to see your dentist or endodontist as soon as possible. The earlier your symptoms are diagnosed and treated, the better your outcome is likely to be. Contact us today to schedule an appointment at one of our six North Shore or Boston-area locations.

You may know endodontists as specialists in root canal therapy, but what you may not know is that we also have advanced training in dental trauma and pain. Our practice is set up to provide emergency dental care, which is why many general dentists refer their patients to us when urgent treatment is needed. Here are the reasons to choose endodontic care when faced with a dental emergency.

We Have State-of-the-Art Equipment

North Shore & Brookline Endodontics is well-equipped for diagnosing dental and facial pain. Each of our locations has access to the latest in imaging technology, including three-dimensional cone beam CBCT, Schick digital radiography, and microscopic examination.

We Have Advanced Training and Experience

After completing dental school, endodontists receive two to three additional years of education and training in the diagnosis and treatment of dental pain. This gives us the expertise and diagnostic skills to identify the underlying cause of your pain. North Shore & Brookline Endodontics has been providing local patients with exceptional emergency care for over 55 years.

We Can Save Injured Teeth

Endodontics is a specialty that prioritizes saving natural teeth whenever possible. We have the ability to save traumatized teeth, preventing the need for extraction and replacement. Some of the traumatic dental injuries we treat include:

  • Fractured or Chipped Teeth

    A minor chip or fracture can often be repaired with dental bonding, but when damage is severe and reaches the pulp, root canal treatment is required. This is usually followed by a dental crown to repair the structural damage and restore function, strength, and appearance.

  • Dislodged (Luxated) Teeth

    It’s not uncommon for teeth to become luxated after an accident or sports-related injury. In such cases, one or more teeth may become loose or pushed sideways, out of, or up into the socket. An endodontist will reposition the affected tooth and stabilize it with splints. If we determine that the root, nerve, or blood vessels are damaged, a root canal treatment may be needed within several days of the injury.

  • Knocked Out (Avulsed) Teeth

    Many patients are surprised to learn that a tooth that has been knocked out completely can often be successfully replaced. Follow these steps and bring the avulsed tooth to our office. Your endodontist will place the tooth back in the socket and use a splint to stabilize it. A root canal may be needed a week or two after the tooth was knocked out.

We Diagnose and Treat Facial and Dental Pain

Severe dental pain can develop suddenly, making it difficult to eat, sleep, and go about your normal daily activities. With our advanced technology and decades of experience, we have the ability to diagnose dental pain quickly and provide you with the treatment you need to get back to your normal routine.

We Offer Prompt Treatment

As doctors who specialize in providing emergency dental care, we can easily accommodate urgent appointments. We’re often able to provide same-day care for patients experiencing pain and swelling. If you experience an emergency after hours, our answering service will take a message and contact your doctor. In most cases, your call will be returned within the hour.

Schedule an Appointment with NSBENDO

If you need emergency dental care, contact us today to schedule an appointment at one of our six North Shore and Boston-area locations.

Many patients are nervous at the prospect of endodontic treatment. This is understandable; everyone knows what to expect when they see the dentist, but most people don’t make regular visits to the endodontist and that alone is enough to make you feel a bit anxious. It doesn’t help that there are so many misconceptions about root canals either. 

With sedation dentistry, we can make sure you’re feeling calm and comfortable during your procedure. We offer a few different sedation options at our endodontic practice.

Types of Sedation

Our doctors will work with you to decide the best form of sedation for your needs. We evaluate a number of factors, including your level of anxiety, your overall health, your medical and sedation histories, and the treatment you require.

Inhaled Sedation

Inhaled sedation refers to nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas”. Nitrous oxide takes effect quickly and wears off just as fast, so there are no long-lasting side effects. Inhaled sedation is extremely safe and very effective—you’ll feel calm and relaxed, but you’ll still be fully conscious. We use inhaled sedation in conjunction with injected local anesthetic to ensure that you feel no pain during your procedure.

After an endodontic procedure with inhaled sedation, you will be able to drive yourself home. Although most side effects from nitrous oxide are not serious, some patients may experience nausea, lightheadedness, headaches, and a feeling of heaviness in the arms and legs.

Conscious Oral Sedation

With conscious oral sedation, you’ll be prescribed a single sedative pill that you’ll pick up from your local pharmacy. Before your endodontic procedure, you’ll take this medication as instructed and it will help you feel relaxed throughout your appointment. Some patients doze off under this type of sedation, but most stay awake. Unlike inhaled sedation, oral sedation does not wear off quickly, so it’s important to have someone to drive you to and from your appointment.

The side effects of conscious oral sedation are similar to those of nitrous oxide. They include feelings of dizziness or lightheadedness, drowsiness, and nausea. These side effects last longer than those of nitrous oxide, so you may need to arrange to take the rest of the day off from work or school after your endodontic procedure if you choose this form of sedation.

Do You Need Sedation Dentistry for a Root Canal?

Many patients are surprised by how comfortable the root canal experience is compared to what they were expecting. The advanced endodontic techniques we use combined with local anesthetic injections mean that modern root canals are no more painful than getting a cavity treated. That said, if you are feeling nervous about your root canal, that’s what we offer sedation for—we want all of our patients to feel as comfortable as possible during their treatment.

Learn More About Sedation in Endodontics

If you need endodontic treatment and you’d like to find out more about the sedation options offered by our practice, don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact us today at one of our five locations to schedule an appointment.